Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The aesthetics of Vastushastra

This blog is an attempt to pay a tribute to those unknown artists of the past who have enriched the land of Bharata with their unparalleled art . Due to the estrangement of the Bharateeyas from their rich heritage, the painstaking efforts of these artisans does not get the appreciation it deserves.  Also, the potential of Chitrakarma (use of sculpture and painting) has been hitherto neglected by the present Vastu consultants. It will be my endeavour to bring forth the aspects of aesthetics, Vastushastra and Indology which tend to be overlooked by the general public.
It would also serve as a medium to acquaint people with the artifacts which could add beauty and auspiciousness to their environment. I would consider this effort worthwhile if people start respecting and enjoying the beauty of our indigenous talent.

Image : Shrivatsa symbol