These shortcomings can be classified as per their cause.
1. Slope of the land.
2. Shape of the construction.
3. Shool (energy rupture).
4. Vedha (energy dissipation due to external objects).
5. Shalya (underground energy dissipators)
6. Geopathic stress
7. Electromagnetic smog
1. Slope of the plot
Land which slopes towards north, north-east and east are best for construction. They bring prosperity, good health and progeny. Whereas slope towards any other direction is unfavourable.
Using the above principle, many Vastu consultants advise their clients to make their floor level low in the northeast and to gradually make it rise towards the south west.
One has to understand that this gradient of slope is restricted to the slope of the land and has nothing to do with the slope of the floor in the house. In fact, if the level of the front side of the house is low, and the back side rises above it, the owner of the property faces adversity and misfortune. Eg. If a house facing east is constructed on a plot sloping east, it's floor level should never be low at the front side and rising on the backside. The following figure illustrates this point clearly.
Remedial measures:
Slope of the land is extremely important and has to be rectified by adding appropriate amount of soil or leveling it. Even after a building has been constructed, it is possible to add soil from above and change the slope. Appropriate measures for proper drainage should be taken.
2. Shape of the construction
Though several shapes have been mentioned as per functionality of the building, square or rectangular shape of the plot and also the construction is favourable for all purposes. Triangular, rhomboid, uneven shapes should be avoided.
Nowadays, a plot on crossroads is always subject to a cut at the corner as per town planning rules. But care should be taken that the building constructed on such a plot should not be round at the corner.
Misunderstanding : Many a times, a L-shaped property is classified as having a cut. But it is not so. L shape is made by two sides. where as a 'Cut shape' is an oblique cut to a rectangular shape.
If a building is constructed on the south and west sides of the plot leaving the north and east sides open, then it is extremely auspicious. In the figure below, the sketch on the left is a beneficial L-Shaped property while that on the right shows a cut at the corner.
3. Shool (rupture of energy field)
Shool means a spear in Sanskrit. A road which ends into a plot acts like a spear, rupturing its energy field. A road should always run on the plots side.
Misunderstanding : Some consultants say that a Shool in positive directions like east or north or north east is favourable for the plot. But a Shool in any direction is harmful. It drains away the energy of the plot. The following diagram will give an idea about the Shool to the readers.
Vedha can be explained as an arrow hitting the bull's eye. There are many types of Vedha's. Most of them are external objects lying in the vicinity of the door or window.
Following are some examples of a Vedha.
a. A tree exactly in line with the property's entrance, or a tree's shade falling on the entrance of the house or compound.
b. A pole in front of the door.
c. Dirt and gutter water near the entrance.
d. A temple deity seen directly through one's house.
e. The shadow of a temple tower falling on the house.
f. Hutments near the house.
g. A well just near the entrance of the house.
In most cases Vedha causes the downfall of the house. It causes disease, theft, quarrels loss of progeny etc.
A vedha is ineffective if it occurs from a distance equivalent to twice the height of the building in question.
Remedial measures: Care should be taken while selecting the property itself and also while planting trees. Walls or boundaries can be erected or screens can be put up as shields against the vedha.
Hanging tourmaline stone hangers in windows and doors where nothing else can be done is also a way to combat Vedhas.
5. Shalya (pricking of bad energy)
Shalya can be explained as a thorn which has pricked one's body and has broken inside causing pain.
Similarly, bones, hair, coal, remains of earlier construction cause misfortune to the inhabitants of a property if not removed before construction.
Shalya is ineffective if it is located more than seven feet below the property.
Remedial measures :
It is best to dig up the earth before construction either till a depth of seven feet or till one strikes stone crust or water whichever is earlier.
Ritual remedial measures for removal of Shalya is performing Vastushanti and installing Panchashirsha.
Modern discoveries of doshas:
6. Geopathic stress :
Geopathic stress is often caused by underground water pipes, sewers, streams or fissures. These emit harmful rays that play havoc with health and property. Geopathic stress can be measured using some modern devices and also using copper L-rods and map dowsing.
Remedial measures : Geopathic stress cannot be combated fully. The only option is to steer clear of the areas prone to this energy.
Another temporary option is to wind a copper wire around the bed using the legs of the bed as supports for two to three rounds. This bed is protected from the ill effects of geopathic stress.
Using Lakhovsky coils also protects the wearer from geopathic stress.
Crystals such as amazonite, amethyst, fluorite, obsidian, smoky quartz help protect against Geopathic stress. If available in geode form or large pieces they are kept near to the affected place. Smaller pieces of Aventurine are used for gridding houses and gardens and even smaller pieces are worn as pendants or carried in pockets.
Amethyst geode. pic courtsey:
7. Electromagnetic smog :
With so many mobile towers, cell phones, gadgets and wireless appliances in our vicinity it is impossible to escape the effects of electromagnetic smog.
There are cell phone harmonizers which, when attached to cell phones neutralize harmful radiations.
The above crystals and Lakhovsky coils too help in allevating the effects of the smog.
Orgonite tower busters shown below and orgonite pendants are wonderful tools to combat radiations from electric poles and mobile towers.
pic courtsey: alibaba. com
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